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Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Who has participated in the Witness Fitness training sessions? 

Answer: So far, kids from Hong Kong, Singapore, and Philippines have joined the Witness Fitness training sessions. We hope that Witness Fitness can inspire students all around Asia to spare some time to do sports and incorporate physical activities into their daily lives.


Question: How long are the workout sessions? 

Answer: Since Witness Fitness provides customised live workout tutorials, the duration of the sessions will cater towards the physical needs and abilities of the students. One session can last from 30-60 minutes. 

Question: How much is one workout session? 

Answer: $0. This program is 100% based on student-athlete volunteers. We aim to provide a platform for Hong Kong students to exercise at home with ample guidance and encouragement. 

Question: Who are the mentors? 

Answer: Witness Fitness mentors are secondary student-athletes in Hong Kong who are more than eager to teach younger students how to exercise safely at home. They all want to contribute to society and impact the community by improving the health of primary school students.  


Question: What do mentees need before a training session? 

Answer: It is advised that mentees have their own yoga mats and some water nearby. Mentees will also need to be mentally prepared to participate actively in the session :)))


Question: Will mentors undergo training as well? 

Answer: Absolutely. We want to make sure that the student mentors are athletic, compassionate, outgoing and engaging. Student-athletes applying to be mentors are required to have a short zoom interview with the founder of Witness Fitness. After that, the soon-to-be mentors will attend one training session with the founder and be an assistant to that training session in order to be well-equipped to lead their own sessions in the future. 


Question: How many mentees are there in one training session? 

Answer: The minimum is three mentees in one training session. 


Question: Do parents need to consent to their children's participation in the Witness Fitness training sessions? 

Answer: Yes. After mentees apply for a session. An email will be sent to the parents. A consent form will be attached and parents will be required to sign it before the mentee can participate in the session. 




FAQs : How It Works

Witness Fitness Asia

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